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Tips for beginners starting a meditation practice

The first thing to clarify: What we’re doing here is aiming for mindfulness, not some process that magically wipes your mind clear of the countless and endless thoughts that erupt and ping constantly in our brains. We’re just practicing bringing our attention to our breath, and then back to the breath when we notice our attention has wandered. Here are some specific tips for beginners starting a meditation practice:

  • Start small: Don’t try to meditate for an hour right away. Start with just a few minutes each day and gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable with the practice.
  • Be consistent: Try to meditate at the same time each day, this will help to establish it as a habit.
  • Find a comfortable position: It’s important to find a comfortable position that allows you to sit still and focus on your breath. You can sit on a chair, cushion, or mat.
  • Be patient with yourself: Meditation is a practice, and it’s normal to have moments of distraction or restlessness. Be patient with yourself and don’t expect perfection.
  • Use guided meditations: Guided meditations can be helpful for those who are new to meditation or who have trouble focusing. They can be found online or through meditation apps.
  • Let go of expectations: Don’t expect to have a specific experience or achieve a certain state of mind while meditating. Meditation is a tool for self-discovery and growth, not a means to an end.
  • Be kind to yourself: Sometimes it can be hard to quiet the mind and focus, be kind to yourself and don’t judge yourself for any distractions that may occur.
  • Experiment with different types of meditation: There are many different types of meditation, such as mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, and transcendental meditation. You can try different types to find which one works best for you.
  • Use reminders: If you find it hard to remember to meditate, you can set reminders on your phone or use an app to remind you to meditate.
  • Remember that meditation is a lifelong practice: It’s not a one-time event, but a lifelong journey that requires patience, consistency, and a willingness to explore and learn.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to establish a consistent meditation practice, and as you continue to meditate, you’ll begin to experience the benefits that it offers.