You are currently viewing Google’s Help Me Write: A New AI-powered Tool to Improve Your Writing

Google’s Help Me Write: A New AI-powered Tool to Improve Your Writing

Google has recently announced a new AI-powered tool called “Help Me Write”. This service is designed to help users with their writing, by providing suggestions and feedback. Help Me Write is currently available to workspace users in beta, and it is integrated with Gmail and Google Docs.

How Help Me Write Works

Help Me Write uses artificial intelligence to analyze your writing and provide suggestions. It can suggest different words, phrases, and sentence structures. It can also suggest ways to improve your grammar and punctuation. Help Me Write can also provide feedback on the overall structure of your writing.

Benefits of Using Help Me Write

Help Me Write can help you to improve your writing in a number of ways. It can help you to:

  • Write more clearly and concisely
  • Use more effective language
  • Avoid grammar and punctuation errors
  • Improve the overall structure of your writing

How to Use Help Me Write

Help Me Write is easy to use. When you are writing in Gmail or Google Docs, you can click on the “Help Me Write” button. This will open a sidebar with a number of suggestions and feedback. You can accept or reject the suggestions, and you can also provide feedback to Help Me Write.

Technical Details

Help Me Write is powered by Google’s large language model, which is a neural network that has been trained on a massive dataset of text and code. This allows Help Me Write to understand the meaning of your writing and to provide relevant suggestions.

Help Me Write is still under development, but it has already learned to perform a number of tasks, including:

  • Suggesting different words and phrases
  • Suggesting sentence structures
  • Suggesting grammar and punctuation corrections
  • Providing feedback on the overall structure of your writing


Help Me Write is a powerful new tool that can help you to improve your writing. It is easy to use and it can provide you with a number of helpful suggestions and feedback. If you are looking for a way to improve your writing, then I encourage you to try Help Me Write.

Additional Information

  • Help Me Write is currently in beta, and it is only available in English.
  • Help Me Write is not a replacement for human editors. It is a tool that can help you to improve your writing, but it cannot guarantee that your writing will be perfect.
  • You can provide feedback to Help Me Write by clicking on the “Send Feedback” button in the sidebar.

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