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Omicron Sub-variants Detected in Maharashtra

Maharashtra has reported 7 cases with Omicron sub-variant for the first time on 28 May 2022. Out of which four were infected by the BA.4 sub-strain of Omicron variant, and 3 cases were infected by BA.5 sub-strain. All of them had only mild symptoms and were treated at home. These sub-lineages of Omicron were found in April in some parts of the world, but until now no cases had been detected in India. All seven patients were from Pune. Their samples were taken between 4-18 May. Two of them had traveled history to South Africa and Belgium, while three had traveled to Kerala and Karnataka. The other two patients had no recent travel history The whole-genome sequencing was conducted by the Institute of Science Education and Research, and its finding has been confirmed by the Indian Biological Data Centre in Faridabad. 

All six adult patients have completed both the dosages of the vaccine while one has taken the booster shot too. The 9 years old child was unvaccinated.

Source: NDTV
Category: News